Deceiver - Attack On Titan S4 Episode 11 Reaction


t-_-t is to Gabi and her Supporters.. 🤷🏽‍♂️🚫🧢
Cian, 29 Apr 2021 - 9:14pm
While I hate Gabi even tho im fully caught up I cant deny her importance in the show she has a very similar drive to eren but also mirrors sasha in a way where shes been shown to have a good shot (kinda looks a bit like sasha too) the author wrote her in such a good way its like he wants us to hate her but still not be able to not see her importance
Gabi is basically Eren, it's subtle (if you watch the show with your fingers in your ears and your eyes closed)

The Gabisode is a great one
Hange IS awesome, but she is not right person to be commander. that's just my opinion
I agree, How you going to be the Voice for the people. Then shut them down, It makes her character fall off for me. I can't agree with her course of action. I'm a big believer of the people having a right, And a voice. She fought for it and said that the people have a right to know... All of a sudden your logic changes. I'm all for with new information comes a change of opinion. But I was a fan of the Hange for the people. Not Hange falling to the same dirty schemes as the old Government. SMFH 🤦🏽‍♂️
JSalty, 29 Apr 2021 - 6:50am
If you are interested in reacting to the demon slayer movie, here's the link instead of waiting 2 months until it comes out every where the quality is 720p and ik you will enjoy this movie a lot
I think this episode was great to depict today's society on racism. Many black people hate white people for what their ancestors did. The fact that Gabi was brainwashed to hate all Eldians because of their past, is the same as to how the media is brainwashing today's society to gather all that hate of the past and bring it to the present world.
ND21, 29 Apr 2021 - 3:28am
Your take on Gabi at the beginning was perfect. For me, I don't dislike Gabi because she seems unable to see that they aren't devils. It's a hard thing to grasp when all her life she's had adults she's deemed wise in her ear. Devils this, devils that. Basically breeding a monster in a little girl who knows nothing but violence. I mean, she wouldn't change her mind, especially after Eren's siege against them makes her feel justified.

The problem I have with Gabi is her lack of patience, as you said. She chooses violence 100% of the time and seems very incapable of sitting her ass down somewhere and actually thinking about her next move. Hell, this episode she swiftly tries to kill a little girl in broad daylight, their own lives be damned. No sense of awareness whatsoever. She can't see the bigger picture in her own goals, so she definitely ain't seeing the bigger picture in this conflict of morality. She only sees what's directly in front of her. She just wants to take a gun, run up to a crowd and start spraying aimlessly. I chalk that up to her lack of understanding of war as a child. She's a suicidal maniac.

Like I said, I don't care about her inability to use perspective in the "devils" argument. That's not her burden. I just wish she'd be a bit more reasonable in her decision-making. Taking a random weapon and screaming isn't going to get her anywhere...yet that's all she seems to want to do.
Its been shown that before, like when she went to the airship on what was basically a suicide mission.
Yes that's true, But a valid point is to be made. She can't think anything over to the point of Cringe. Falco has tried over and over to get her to chill. And she see's so much evidence that there not devil's. But to make a character that Brainwashed is crazy. Even after all that screaming that was going on. Falco says that it was there fault for a reconision mission and her mother was a innocent victim and she still talking shii to Falco about leaking information. Let's not even get started on the next episode... When she calls potato girl a witch.. It's Cringe to watch.
I really applaud you for not hating Gabi.. I have no idea how to do that.. it's just.. I don't hate her for Sasha's death but I hate her for not willing to except that the devils she was told about are not actually devils.. and I know she's just a kid so I don't blame her.. I just wish she would've understand like Falco.. However, I'll do my best to only speak about the episodes you've watched... keep up 😊
Understanding her character starts with realizing how indoctrinated she was not just by those who trained her but her family especially. Remember that she comes from the same family as Reiner, whose indoctrination by his parents from a desperation to live normal lives led to him getting as screwed up as he is after seeing that the other side wasn't full of devils, but normal people. She's going through her arc to see that, but right now she's basically Season 1 Eren, but from the other side.

Meanwhile, Falco's family is different. While it isn't exactly pointed out, we can conclude from the fact that his uncle was the leader of the Eldian Restorationists (the dude who recruited Grisha) that his family has different ways of thinking rather than seeing everything in black and white. Colt and Falco are trying to become warriors to save their family, but we can see that they both think for themselves rather than blindly following what they're told to believe. This story has some really deep characters, I tell ya...
tbator, 29 Apr 2021 - 6:24pm
you have to remember that Falco, unlike Gabi, is from a family that was involved in the Eldia restorationist movement: Falco wasn't as badly indoctrinated as Gabi was. Not justifying Gabi's blind hate but remember she SAW Udon and Zophia die, Falco only heard about it. Her seeing those deaths upfront plays a major part in her hate just as Eren saw his mother die.
