The Five Kage’s Decision - Naruto Shippuden Episode 222 Reaction


Last episode of the upcoming filler arc; episode 242, which has Ganryū in it, actually connects to one of the canon episodes. It is the only one I always watch when going through Shippuden again because there is one part in episode 261 that it connects with; you'd be pretty at a loss if you didn't watch that one and Ganryū shows up talking about how he is reinstated. Trust me, watch the last episode of the upcoming filler arc. Oh, and the shadow clone episode.. if you want to laugh a little. ^^ The rest are pretty meh.
Suzy should see all the filler episodes at least once because who doesn't want to watch an episode that makes one laugh. For example, there is something Naruto was given and he got super excited, but then when he opened it and what was inside was completely hilarious. Another episode I laughed at was literally all about laughter. :)
Suzy Before: "See! Watching the Fillers is good! Otherwise I wouldn't get that Reference!"
Suzy Now: "OMG, so much filler! Why?"
Martin, 06 Aug 2020 - 1:23am
If you watch the 20 Filler episodes for you no problem but if you upload them that's 20 days unnecessary for Filler, well you have to know then we'll see you in 20 days :)
wiiztec, 05 Aug 2020 - 10:45pm
Anyone else wanna see her reacto to the acorn?
I'm fully prepared for Suzy to come back from watching the filler and say "wow that was awful". The boat arc as I like to call it is the worst filler group in the series imo.
I'm sorry Suzy but with Naruto slowing down and on top of that taking time to watch fillers I'm going to have to unsubscribe from VIP for a time period. I'll probably come back once you finish the show but right now it isn't worth it for me, but I'm only speaking for myself.
80% of the fillers from now on are related to the story
( not happened in manga ) so you can call them anime canon

Cacany, 08 Sep 2020 - 11:42am
But every filler is canon idk why people act as if things that happen in fillers are not connected to the story they are connected its just not the MAIN story and people just comparing manga to anime...manga is manga anime is anime its like comparing novel to a movie based of that novel.The movie isnt gonna have everything same as in the novel so what some parts in the movie are not correct or relevant?
I'm probably missing something but what's up with the inconsistent naruto uploads for the last 10 days?

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