As One’s Friend - Naruto Shippuden Episode 208 Reaction


I think i understand were is sasuke coming from for blaming the whole leaf. The perspective that obito mentioned about the uchiha was that since the formation of the village they were restricted from having equal power to other clans and that aftee the kyubi attack, the uchiha were outcasted by the hidden leaf villagers due to their distrust Towards the uchiha as they knew that an uchiha was the cause for the attack. The villagers are also victims as the kyubi attack was a tragedy that led them to distrust from the uchiha but the adults of the village were a part for the uchiha to want to do the coup.
hugoA, 13 Jul 2020 - 2:28am
Danzo is one of the best characters.
Agree, he is a really interesting character, and probably one of the most realistic in the show if you ask me
Dude are we watching the same show, sasuke has never been a puppet, maybe to his own sense of revenge, witch is completely different. He uses people to get power, he plays along,
When he was done with orochimaru he killed him and he has been like that always.
It's bout perspectives xD but yeah Madara is using try to manipulate Sasuke into doing things the way he wants, although Sasuke is not gonna be a total puppet of him for too long, that's just Sasuke
Exactly Nyan thank you, he does play along with madara but its all for his sake lol
You are totally right. That is why in my opinion, Naruto is not a realistic character. If I had a best friend who was doing all this stuff, and i know for sure would have killed me if Sai didn't step in, then he continues to do criminal acts after that, no way I will be expecting everybody to forgive him and i would not consider him a friend anymore.
you both would be right, because what Naruto is trying to do is impossible in a real setting, but in the world of Naruto the power of changing everyone's harts and minds is actually real, its anime, so his trying to break the cycle of pain and hatred, that's why he wants to save sasuke and he is his friend so 2 birds one stone, everyone will just keep killing each other, if he least people go after sasuske,
no one ever sees that its pretty sad
N0, 13 Jul 2020 - 2:47am
Insane and odd people exist, so I don't think he's unrealistic (despite being a (spoilers)). Just obsessed. Saving Sasuke, a strong and mentally broken person is something no ordinary person would do... or it's because they were "next in line to be chosen by destiny".
the hokage thing took a back seat after the pain ark, what his is after is world peace, by killing sasuke he will continue the spread of pain and hatred, they literally say it in the show, Naruto is not the brat everyone else is stuck in the old ways of doing things, kill are enemies and will be safe, Naruto is after the minds and harts of all the villages, I'm not saying garra is dumb his more sensible than the elder kage but there just not at the same level mentally as Naruto, jiraiya and nagato, changing the heart means no more killing period, that's why other events happen later in the story, that we cant talk about now, Naruto wants to save everyone not just sasuke
You're looking at it in an incredibly biased way.
4 years putting up with him??? For 3 years while he was with Orochimaru, he didn't kill anyone.
Also Naruto has changed his outlook on life after his battle and talk with Nagato, nobody else can understand but him.
It's not just his friend but also his ninja way and the philosophy of his teacher.
SethG, 13 Jul 2020 - 3:55pm
other villages really haven't had to put up this Sauske until now. It wasn't until he attacked Bee that he did something actually illegal. First he killed Orochimaru who was a terrorist. Second he killed Itachi the alleged killer of their entire clan. If Sauske didnt meet up with Madara he might've gone back to the hidden leaf. Its also about how Sauske to Naruto is the closest thing to a brother that Naruto has ever had. So basically everyone else is telling Naruto "hey, were going to kill your brother." He also dosen't believe that the Sauske that we have been seeing is the real Sauske. Naruto still thinks the real Sauske is still in there somewhere.
No danzo didn't kill the uchiha merely for their eyes he killed them due to their uprising to overthrow the village and possibility of controlling the nine tails during the attack on the leaf Danzo merely is using their eyes since their power would be wasted and any sharigan is useful he uses his resources
Well lets be real about this. Danzo wanted a solution that he would also benefit from. There were other certain individuals who also had certain plans they wanted to try but Danzo didn't want any of these solutions because it didn't benefit him personally.
I don't believe those other solutions have been revealed yet? I can't remember completely but I'm pretty sure they have not. As far as suzy knows, Itachi was the only solution.
You're correct, the person above you has revealed a minor spoiler. People really can't keep their mouths shut it seems.
SethG, 13 Jul 2020 - 3:49pm
Hopefully she's see this. Cause like you said it wasn't his reason. It was just a by product of it.
TRUE. the sharigans are just "spoils of war"-like if i could put it into words.
yep and it is disgusting as she says but there was more to it than just that the entire uchiha clan wiped out and Danzo sees all those bodies and thought I am not going to let those eyes decompose no sir reee he'll use them like a valueable resource which is completely sick to anyone's stomach looking at that arm.
