Sakura’s Resolve - Naruto Shippuden Episode 212 Reaction


Calling sakura an idiot while you're telling sasuke to heal Karin like he's a medical ninja lol
That flashback with Karin had a big continuity error. Sasuke didn't learn the Lion's Barrage until right after the Forest of Death.
I don't think that's confirmed. It really doesn't say when he learned it, only that he developed it from copying Lee's tai jitsu when they fought before the first exam. I think there was a small time skip of a couple of days between the first stage of the chunnin exams and the Forrest of Death, so that's when I'd put my money on him inventing it. Since the preliminaries happened directly after the Forrest of Death, there would have been no time to invent it before his fight in the prelims and I don't think he just made it up mid fight, because he had already named it. So really the only logical time that he could have invented it was between the first exam and the Forrest of Death.
I am puzzled by what Suzy said about Sasuke healing Karin...? because only those who know medical ninjutsu can heal someone that is injured and Sasuke doesn't have that skill.
This arc is really interesting especially for Sasuke Naruto and Sakura. Heck even kakashi. Having them all deal with this turmoil.
RJ, 19 Jul 2020 - 1:53am
such a episode
that so emotional to see all that flashbacks
Sakura is such a great character
definitely one of my top 10 favorite characters on this show
this arc made her even more complex and interesting as a character
she had grown up a lot throughout this show
the moment when she asks Tsunade do teach her and all the fillers episodes
when she is trained by Tsunade are awesome
and how much she had trainned for becoming so strong as she is now.
such a talented Ninja since the beginning
Sakura had became one of the strongest Ninja of the Leaf Village,
and mostly because of the massive love that she have for Sasuke.
just like Naruto that became so strong not only because he wants to be hokage,
but also cause he wants to be strong to stop Sasuke from keep doing bad stuff.
Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are such a Trio. such a cool Trio. such a cool team.
rewatch these episodes seeing your reactions is being such a amazing journey
such a good reaction series
So according to this episode, the first time Sasuke and Karin met was not that time when Orochimaru sent him to help her recapture the prisoners who escaped. At that time all indications from their attitude towards each other shows it was their first time seeing each other. Karin never said, "oh i remember you" or anything. So Sasuke infiltrated another village's chunnin exam?
Thats the Anime canon messing up with actual canon
I think the chasing after escaped prisoners episode was filler, but I do remember that in the manga Karin does get saved by Sasuke from the bear in the chunin exam, so they did meet there for the first time even if it is a retcon.
yaak, 18 Jul 2020 - 9:32pm
As for your question about Karin. The correct answer is no, she was not at the exams. That whole little part is filler. But it was used to add more feeling to the scene, which I have to admit it did. But ya the scene makes no sense lol. Sasuke hadn't even created the lions barrage yet as that happens in the next part of the exams. Yes he had everything he needed to do that at this point. But the origin of the move for Sasuke at least, happened in his battle in phase 3. At this point in the timeline She was already running Orochimaru's lair that Sasuke finds her in later. In any case no faults for me in the addition for the reason they chose. Just could have been executed in a way that made more sense. Every re-acter I have watched at this point which is over 10 different people/groups, all have the same reaction you did. What, when, did I miss something, lmao. I get a kick out of it hehe.
I don't think it tells exactly when he came up with the Lions Barrage. The only thing we know is that he derived it from copying Lee's tai jitsu when they fought before the first exam.
Hey Suzy! Do you remember back during the chunin exams when Sasuke went to get drinking water and Naruto and Sakura were stopped by Kabuto from opening the scroll? The only time Sasuke was alone was when he went to get that water, so that is when he must have met Karin and saved her.
Sasuke didn't have the Lion's Barrage until right after the Forest of Death.
Yeah Sakura's kind of the worst. She inserts herself in other people's problems pretending to understand what they're going through. Then she lies to manipulate the feelings of those closest to her. And what's worse is she clearly still has her "omg Sasuke's so dreamy" crush she's had since the beginning. Like all her character growth is ignored and she's still as childish as ever. She really thought she was gonna lie to Sasuke, wait for him to let his guard down, and kill him? Is she a five-year-old? In what universe did she think this would work? Naruto Shippuden would be 1000% better if Sakura wasn't in it.
Gaara, Kankuro, Sasuke, Hinata and many others would be death if it wasn’t for her

Sasori would also still be alive

Btw maybe put yourself in her shoes, only knowing what she knows and her AGE she is like what 15 or 16 right now? and love makes people do stupid stuff
I think It's possible to interpret Sasuke was actually trying to save Karin if we try to analyze further, as when Sasuke told her not to move he used a pinpoint attack to get to Danzo while missing her vital organs, it was entirely possible for him to just cut them both down in half to make certain Danzo is dead. also he than states she is useless to him, which makes Danzo think he made a big mistake and lets her go, in order to fool your enemy you have to fool your ally as well which is exactly what Sasuke did.
Finally there is the moment Sasuke prepares a chidori while that may look as he is about to finish her off, it is possible considering he is not a medic ninja, that this is the only way he could stop her bleeding, is with electrocauterization.

One final point I would like to make is to think back that it wasn't that long ago Sasuke has achieved a new power just to save Karin's life, while he is darker and colder from that time I still believe just like Zabuza cared for Haku deep down Sasuke still cares about Karin despite his actions and words.
