As One’s Friend - Naruto Shippuden Episode 208 Reaction


I think you got it wrong about Itachi. Itachi wasn't manipulated by the Leaf. Do you think anyone in the Leaf is even strong enough to force Itachi's to make him do things he doesn't want to do?
He was a double agent between Uchiha and the Leaf's leaders and could have chosen to be on the Uchiha's side to overthrow the Leaf if he wanted to.
He made the difficult choice of protecting the village that he loves and rather lose few hundred members of his clan to stop an uprising and save thousands of lives of the village. He rather become a criminal in the world's eyes than have the Leaf be destroyed in a war with the Uchiha.
Nah, Itachi was used by Danzo to kill the Uchiha. Itachi is still a hero for doing it to save lives, but things only got that bad thanks to Danzo which counts as manipulation.
Danzo didn’t just do it to get the eyes, it was just to prevent war.
Lmao, cap. It was Danzo who enabled things to get that far.
the sentimentalism is these episodes are the lowest point in this show. I can't believe we're forced to sympathize with a criminal just because he got hurt when he was a kid and now he thinks he can go on over anyone else. I can't believe the hero is crying and depressed over a man that tried to kill him the last time he saw him. It's disgusting.
I strongly disagree, Naruto trying to save Sasuke despite everything is very thematic in the show. After the whole themes with the cycle of hatred to simply kill Sasuke would defeat the point.Naruto wants to end that cycle, he wants to take a path of forgiveness and peace that no one has even attempted before. You are suggesting to simply take an eye for an eye, but that will only continue the cycle. This is not possible in the real world, but in this anime it's very heartwarming and impactful. I'm sure many of us wish the people in the real world could come to truly understand one another and stop all of the hate, so this is very relatable.
Dave, 14 Jul 2020 - 12:57pm
Agree completely. But hey, it's Kishimoto. You know, they guy who always justifies criminals showing they had a sad past.
I have no empathy for Sasuke. He should be either dead or in prison forever
You have no empathy, period. Too many kids opinions on this show. Mature and you’ll maybe one day understand.
Sasuke isn't being manipulated, he's actually doing exactly what he wants
If your going to blame anybody for what Sasuke has became blame the leaf for putting so much distrust on the Uchiha clan, that had them planning a rebellion against the village.
Cobby, 13 Jul 2020 - 8:09pm
Ironic that Sai's character, a double agent for Danzo, is the most trustworthy and honest character out of everyone. He always speaks his mind, and he actually asks the right question in life and actively tries to grow.
the itachi mission in the past is now seen in a different light !!!
just stop thinkin about right and wrong and enjoy the fight between 2 antagonist-sides :P
It bothers me that Suzy never sees the greater picture. Of what gaara said, danzos arm, third hokages choice, sakuras feelings, hinatas actions, the cycle of pain, jiraiyas will and other things. Like open your eyes and see the bigger picture. She says she does but then completely contradicts herself right after.
