Naruto vs. Nine Tails! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 245 Reaction


It IS important to forgive. But, Suzy, the people in the Hidden Leaf village basically ostracized Naruto in the worst ways possible for the better part of his life 'til then; spitting on him, shunning him and outright despizing him with no remorse. Look, this is one of those things which always rubbed me the wrong way; when Naruto suddenly became the hero of the Leaf Village, he definitely was owed a massive apology from the entire village population; like a formal thing. Of course, Naruto just accepted their collective mood-swing and it was all business as usual; it has never sat right with me and it never will. Sure, they thanked him, they appreciate him, but they never apologized, not one of them ever did.
lmfao this girl kills me. Since when have you decided to give into negativity on the internet? I thought you were all gung-ho about doing what you wanna do and not what other people say? Maybe instead of being so bipolar you should just check out Boruto for yourself since, for one, there are cannon elements to the whole Naruto universe in Boruto that actually fill in some plot holes that Naruto had as a whole. And secondly, yes it has its bad moments just like shippuden does but when it is good, its is REALLY GOOD. If you decide to give into negativity and not even just give it a chance just because some bandwagoners said its bad then you're fake af lol
Disgusting comment. Why bring Bipolar into this? Don’t speak about things you don’t understand you dunce.
random, 21 Aug 2020 - 9:50pm
Suzy, please watch at least until ep 66 of Boruto, and then you can stop it forever. If you want to really go fast through it, just watch these arcs: 1,2,4 and 7. BUT PLEASE DON'T WATCH BORUTO THE MOVIE (because it is the same story of the 7th arc, but the anime version is better, and the movie will spoil you)... I know is too soon to talk about Boruto, but to hear that you that loves Naruto will not get the full experience, it's sad.
random, 21 Aug 2020 - 9:56pm
Actually Boruto has, at least, 3 arcs that someone that loves Naruto like Suzy should watch to have complete and last experience of Naruto. I'm not saying watching the whole thing, but 3 arcs at least. First arc: To see how is the narutoverse after Shippuden (that is very interesting), then that arc with s... that is an adaptation of the last Naruto manga made by Kishimoto (Naruto Gaiden) and the 7th arc, especially episodes 64 65 which even you hating Boruto you can't say it's bad, because it's actually a Shippuden episodes inside Boruto. And after this episodes indeed the show just gets bad (because it doesn't follow the manga).
lol spoken like someone who hasnt even watched it completely. Sure, it has bad moments just like shippuden did. But when it is good, it is REALLY GOOD. Not to mention its barely even been over 150 episodes. It just now got back into manga content
Did u notice Nine tail was jealous cz Naruto teamed up with Eight tails?
Boruto is currently boring me at the moment so I'll wait till it piles up and then binge watch multiple episodes at once. I still hope Suzy sees the filler episodes from Original Naruto because I am pretty sure she saw none of that based on what she said about her not knowing much of the other characters like Shino for example and other characters.
I do have confidence Boruto will get better because the very beginning of the pilot episode is very intriguing and interesting.
random, 21 Aug 2020 - 10:07pm
She should watch at least until ep 66 of Boruto, and then stop it forever or until in the future when the series ends to see if it turns good again. And if she wants to really go fast through it, just watch these arcs: 1,2,4 and 7. I hope she watches at least this arcs, or even arc 1,2 and 7 to have the last and complete Naruto experience.
She watched them
On her own it is possible she forgot them but she watched offscreen
Boruto is not bad but boruto got popular as a bad anime because people always compare it to Naruto , im a weekly anime watcher and it has some bad filler episodes but it has some great arcs .
Boruto is very good, people doens't understand that Naruto is not Boruto, he is a different boy. Another thing that many people don't realize, they keep talking "Boruto is too slow, what a bad anime" They forget that Naruto is already finished!! You just go to a website and watch several episodes until the end, skipping the fillers and everything. Nobody remembers that Naruto started his story back in 2002, one episode a week ... imagine spending 20 weeks watching 20 filler episodes? Does that make Naruto a bad anime? Of course not! And this is happening now in Boruto. But people don't realize it and blame the history of Boruto. You can see others channels wacthing Boruto after finish Naruto. They say: "Why are peoplle hating Boruto?!?! This is very good!" Boruto is now in the episode 160, so I think that you really should take a look after Naruto Shippuden ;)
Boruto is fine. People just had too high expectations for the characters to be exactly like the Naruto ones. Also I figured you would ignore outside opinions on a series and would want to judge it yourself considering that your watching Sword Art Online despite knowing that series also has a bad reputation. I say try it out. The Boruto series isn't as serious as the Naruto storyline in the beginning but it definitely has a fun and adventure sorta vibe coming from it.
i mean that's kinda true but the lessons suzy seems to like you don't really get in boruto the same as with naruto. that's just the way boruto is I don't think it's as good as the original
It had better lessons... wth are you talking about. Naruto is the anime that actually only has a few really good "lessons" it repeats over and over and over, while every arc in Boruto is a brand new lesson.
Boruto is actually no that bad at all. I will say that both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden ARE much better. but overall Boruto is mostly fine.
A lot of people are just salty that it is about new characters and the old ones are... pretty much sidecharacters. Plus people tend to hate on the new generation of ninja in the boruto series. But they completely forget that the children in Boruto grew up COMPLETELY different... For them there never was any threat of war or anything like it was in Naruto's generation. And as such they come across as weak and bratty, which they actually quite frankly aren't. Heck, in terms of potential they are made out to completely trum the Naruto generation actually. And Boruto himself is in parts the complete opposite from Naruto. Mainly due to having brought up COMPLETELY different. Which gets him a lot of undeserved hatred.
AJL, 13 Aug 2020 - 4:29pm
There's a couple things people rightly criticize. The new generation is really OP compared to their parents. Before they are even made genin many are already chunin level and able to perform moves they shouldn't. It also hurts that older characters haven't gotten much stronger or lived up to their potential. Now I can understand the older characters not getting much stronger cuz it's peace time so there's not nearly as much motivation, but why they hell are the kids so strong?
