Terror! The Steam Imp - Naruto Shippuden Episode 302 Reaction


RJ, 09 Oct 2020 - 8:19pm
good episode
the second mizukage was a fun character. his fight versus Gaara was kinda nice.
suzy PLZ PLZ watch 313 through 315 in the up coming fillers you are gana love it so plz react to it i would love to see your reaction to those fillers
Mary, 09 Oct 2020 - 6:21am
Hey I bought booze for Friday!! Too excited
Tobi, 09 Oct 2020 - 6:16am
In the upcoming episodes plz do not cut too many action scenes
He looks like Suigetsu because thats his older brother lol. And no, that's not a spoiler. They share the same last name and its already been stated outright numerous times throughout the show they were siblings.
sergio, 08 Oct 2020 - 11:28pm
Good day to ya Suzy. Here's a suggestion for when ever you're about to start a new anime reaction (Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood) it's one of my favorite anime. And I would like to see your reaction to it.
That's cause people who leave replies on YouTube and disgusting animals who are just the worst scumbags they are usually insults or death threats they are animals.
it's funny as hell because death note is a show that puts infront of the viewer 2 opposite ways of thinking and says to him "pick a side" so by choosing L's side you perfectly understood the point of the show so anyone saying you didn't understand it either didn't watch your reactions or never understood the show himself, both case makes me LOL.
I didn't even realize Suzy's point of view was so controversial until I saw this and went to the Youtube comments section to take a look...ugh!, I never realized Light was so popular. Like Suzy, I honestly can't stand him. I just think he is arrogant trash who deserves what he got in the end. All the youtube comments try to argue that Light is a complex protagonist and different to the "power of friendship" Protagonists of Shonen series like Naruto, Dragon Ball and One Piece. Personally I don't find him that complex at all. He is just a villain protagonist who gained power and became a power hungary maniac, similar to Walter White (but without the complexity of that character). Where Walter actually cared about the people around him and got taken in by the power. Light didn't care if anyone died, the only emotion of sorrow or panic that he actually shows is when it comes to his own life. L is the more interesting character.
Lepequ, 08 Oct 2020 - 9:32pm
321 is next okay it's happening, everybody stay calm

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