The Old Monk’s Prayer - Naruto Shippuden Episode 75 Reaction


haha she kept laughing but yeah I mean he has been training non stop so slice of life quick break before intensity returns is a given in these shows.
Hidan and Kakuzu have always been my favorite Akatsuki members.
Any terrorist group or radicals need money to function. Just ideals won't feed your army/team but in this story, Kakuzu just wants money, not Akatsuki related. The show literally showed that multiple times O___O
Body hair is supposed to protect you from something. O_O
Martin, 21 Mar 2020 - 2:07pm
I can completely agree with you that, seen in this way, over several episodes, one sees only the training of Naruto. The good thing is that you understand character development more and more, but that's annoying, that's true.
yes, it is the 4th hokage's move. but kakashi was the 4th's student and aside from that, he's infamous for being the COPY ninja. Pretty much anything that isn't a kekkei genkai, he can copy.
Suzy..... Good commentary ....Just pause the video you're talking over dialouge and missing details
If you noticed in the whole series Kakashi has never paid for any food he has always dodge the bullet.
Crazos, 15 Mar 2020 - 9:19pm
Pretty sure its been mentioned that kakashi was a student of the 4th Hokage.
If not feel free to delete this comment.
I suggest you do full body lazer, and hair will stop growing anywhere except your head ofcourse. My sister did it a month ago (there's more than on session) she said it finishes fast and doesn't hurt at all. and now she has 0 body hair and it doesnt grow, it has made her life easier. I reccommend you do it.
PIJUSH, 15 Mar 2020 - 10:32am
In future they will have a special dish named after Naruto πŸ‘Œ
I don't know...I would do more research and look at reviews before trying it but that's just me. From what I can understand, that thing will stop hair from growing on your arm right. I'd be a bit cautious and see what the after affects and risks would be. I'm that paranoid.
rezo233, 14 Mar 2020 - 2:18pm
Love you and your reaction suzy <3
I know that adds are essential, but can you put them only in the beginning?
like all 3 directly in the beginning so nobody can skip them?

Cuz in the emotional scenes it get kinda frutsrating
Kakashi can use rasengan, he was known as the copy ninja, naruto knows rasengan and he is his student.
