The End of Commander Red - Dragon Ball Episode 67


Jsc, 11 Sep 2024 - 1:49am
Don't let the haters get to you to much. It's obvious you're new to Dragonball. To expect everyone to know everything about a show they are new to is absurd. Rewatching this with you had been an absolute delight.
I second everything you said. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? This is why I don’t consider myself part of any fandoms, no matter how much I’m invested in whatever material; I can’t stand unhinged little zealots of any stripe, and that most definitely includes obnoxious anime/manga fanboys like that. How in the hell is anybody just watching this—especially for the first time—supposed to know that General Blue’s a goddamn kiddie-diddler? (It’s certainly news to me; I only ever saw parts of this show as a kid, and I almost never read manga. I clocked Blue as gay—because he was flamboyant as hell, and his reaction to Bulma REALLY suggested he didn’t swing that way—but I’m not in the habit of connecting those traits.) Not everybody sits around pleasuring themselves to every single piece of media that comes out of Japan. I swear that’s what those loudmouthed freakshows do and what they expect of everyone else. (Note: I know that’s not everyone who’s fond of anime and stuff. Obviously—otherwise I’d be insulting Suzy as well, and that’s certainly not my intention. I’m talking about the types who are responsible for this subject coming up.) I’m so damn tired of people who can’t act right. I don’t expect everybody to be all prim and proper—I’m certainly not—but this type of shit is just plain ridiculous and pathetic. We’re surrounded by a sea of petulant, emotional children who never grew up.

…Sorry for the rant. Unruly people piss me off. (Also I tend to ramble anyway.)
Perius, 11 Sep 2024 - 1:31am
This is a REALLY GOOD episode!! Loved your reaction! THANKS 😎😆