Jugo of the Northern Hideout - Naruto Shippuden Episode 117 Reaction


Hahaha you say that Suzy about Naruto and Sakura asking and wanting Sasuke to return to the leaf but you also said the same exact thing only a few episodes ago XD.
Suzy: "She's annoying"
FINALLY. A thing where we agree. :D And I see you have taken to Suigetsu's character as well, you are scoring points here. ^^
No it was only Naruto who was thinking that sasuke was coming back to the lead Sakura didn’t say anything she just stayed shocked
suigetsu is one of my favorite characters hope you like him too
he's so funny
booch, 24 Apr 2020 - 4:10am
Yes, he's a rogue ninja. I won't argue he didn't do anything wrong BUT naruto and sakura are friends with the Hokage. Tsunade is essentially in charge, if she says Sasuke comes back like it's nothing, then thats the way it is.
well from Naruto's and Sakura's perspective Sasuke was never a bad guy and technically he never did anything to the Leaf and now that he allegedly killed their main threat, Orochimaru, it makes sense they would think he will come back cause where else would he go they dont think he is just gonna stay in the woods or something :D and they may not believe themselves that Sasuke would just be accepted by everybody if he comes back Naruto was just asking if he is coming back not whats gonna happen if he does return :)
The thing is Sasuke is the last member of the Uchiha Clan which the Leaf can accept without creating worldwide outrage and the Uchiha were one of the most famous clans in the Leaf every village feared the Sharingan so the Leaf would take any given chance to take him back. Especially since there are quite a few reasons why the Leaf can justify getting Sasuke back. For example "He was just a traumatized child when he was kidnapped by Orochimaru", "Orochimaru is well known to be able to seduce people with offers of power" things like that will be said to the general public and they would accept it. The only people who would be against it would probably be the Jounin's, the smarter members of the Rookie 11 (aka Naruto's generation of ninja) also known as everyone except Naruto and Sakura and maybe Tsunade but again the chance to get the Sharingan back in the village would be too good to pass up so if Sasuke had rushed back to the village after killing Orochimaru the Leaf would've accepted him with open arms.
Sasuke apparently knows a way to incapacitate hostile enemies without killing them using his sword. My guess is make injury cuts that aren't fatal, but can still make them unconscious. Many examples was Sasuke just now took down someone and you thought he killed him. During 3 tails arc, took down 100 hostiles with 0 casualties. Even in original Naruto, Naruto thought Haku killed Sasuke, but the needles didn't pierce any vital organs.

Also, I can't believe Naruto thought Sasuke was coming back by his own choice... I was like hello Naruto are you that much of a hopeless fool?!!! He even said "My days playing Leaf Ninja are over" back in Naruto part 1 or original Naruto.
What has Sasuke done since he left the village? He never attacked it. And Orochimaru stayed away from the Leaf for the past three years. All he's really done, as far as the Leaf is concerned, is eliminate one of their greatest threats.
Sasuke is an enemy of the leaf but he hasn't done anything really bad and he killed orochimaru not to mention he's still a child.
So since tsunade is hokage he'll be welcome back with just a slap on the wrist and perhaps some monitoring for a few months.
Suzy, I know you have a lot going on right now, but I know your almost done with demon slayer ( or at least half way) but I think you should watch attack on titan next, it’s another relatively short anime and one of the best recently imo
AJL, 23 Apr 2020 - 5:13pm
Suzy, you are so close to the Kakashi episodes! Keep up the reactions!
Lepequ, 23 Apr 2020 - 3:45pm
yeah like u can kill Karin, I mean it's all about her will xD
The moment Sasuke takes a step inside the leaf, he would be arrested on the spot by the anbu black ops and put into a maximum security prison.
Suzy there is an anime trope where people can intentionally leave shallow cuts to avoid killing people like what Sasuke did, you see this often in One Piece as well. Idk if that is actually possible in reality, but Sasuke is also a superhumanly accurate swordsman so maybe that lets him control his cuts better.
She's gonna lose her mind in the Kakashi arc
Musha, 23 Apr 2020 - 10:44am
Suzy, can you please watch 119 and 120 together?
Leaving the village does not mean that the ninja automatically becomes a rogue. Tsunade retires from shinobi life and leaves Konoha after World War II Shinobi, but she was never considered a rogue ninja in her village.
If u think about it sasuke didn't kill or hurt any leaf ninja beside naruto ofcand he didnt attck the leaf, that's why even the hokage is trying to get him back, bc they think he still has hope to be good again, especially with naruto determination to get him back.
