Pain vs Kakashi - Naruto Shippuden Episode 159 Reaction


Suzy, I understand it is rough right now with Naruto, but be strong. I encourage you to push forward. I won't spoil anything. But push forward like Naruto and never give up.
People like you prefacing your fucking comments with “I won’t spoil anything” is literally giving a heads up for a fucking spoiler. STOP
What makes Pain so incredibly powerful is the Rinnegan, this is true however it is really his ruthlessness. Unlike basically everyone we have seen so far, he has no thrill for the fight. He comes at you full forces without mercy, until you are dead. So he doesn't make the mistakes most people make by getting lost in the fight....for Pain...the fight is an inconvenience to the objective and nothing more.

A merciless heart of steel as the guy said in 129.
Magic, 10 Jun 2020 - 4:27pm
You got to keep watching suzy, got to be strong cus whenever the rain comes, there is a rainbow coming around the corner
just a lil something about this fight. no spoilres
-Kakashi buried the chains in the ground even before the battle.
-If Choji and Choza didn't show up Kakashi would do what they did only with shadow clones, maybe wasting a lot of chakra but ending this fight.
-That's assuming the mechanical puppet wouldn't sacrifice itself
-Kakashi almost twice killed Tando in this battle * on his own *, and the reason Tando survived is Plot.
-True Tendo is stronger, but in a clean 1 v1, without any interventions, a factual kakashi would have won this battle, leaving him with half his chakra. Because he makes up for in intelligence what he lacks in power. Which is what makes him such a broken character.
-And after all that, Kakashi was not killed by Pain at all, but literally killed himself in Konoha's favor.
If Jiraiya is a 10, then Kakashi is like a 7...however Pain is a 12....compared to him Kakashi was a weakling. That aside I'm was right there with you, I took almost the entire week to process this. I guess that was the advantage of watching it on a weekly basis as it came out. By the time the next episode aired... willing to watch it. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to dive into the next episode after this one.
Kaizo, 10 Jun 2020 - 4:10pm
Kakashi's not weak however
not that strong either
Props to Kakashi. He was fighting the two most powerful Pain dudes with barely any backup and managed to take one down with him. Even Jiraiya wouldn't have done much better. Once all six got together, Jiraiya's chances of winning were just thrown out of the window.
you still have to watch more ms.Suzy! there's gold at the end of the rainbow :)
that pain is called the deva realm.was said at the beginning of the assault on the leaf village. Deva realm- God realm in english translation. the name itself seems... overpowered
sowtf, 10 Jun 2020 - 4:05pm
The world shall know pain!!

Best sentence ever
I cried a bit. Not only because of Kakashi's death but from Suzy's tears. Her reactions are the most precious.
kingK, 10 Jun 2020 - 3:52pm
Yo it's been more than 1day...when will the regular one be why is my card getting rejected cuz I'm able to shop on other site with the same card....plz add Google pay as well it will be alot easier for us indians
Please continue the series, Suzy. R.I.P Kakashi Sensei. IF you need a few days off, some more Inuyasha would be a nice change of pace. <3
Imagine two of you're favourite characters dying and masochists are like "you'll still love pain cuz we say so!"

Guys we can all agree this guy a good villan but the majority of people don't like pain as a person. Stop telling suzy she like him just because you do. I don't really see why people like him personally. Just because of a idealistic philosophy that he didn't invent.

I'm not hating on him, i don't need any of his worshippers to explain his philosophy. I follow politics i think i get it. Im just saying leave suzy to decide who she likes, and don't get mad when she still hates him by the end of the arc. And start insulting her or saying she "doesnt understand" we understand we just dissagree. People. Do. That. If the leader of isis had the same ideology would you like him? Perhaps you would, but not everyone would. An extreme example like that might make it clear. (since isis and the akastuki are both terrorist groups)
He is loved since he is an amazing villain, but of course, he is a terrible person, and with Pain, not only does he looks amazing, but the way he talks (combined with the VA being good) and how strong he is, challenges the heroes both psychically and mentally, showing that he isnt just some random villain, but a real treat
