Meeting - Naruto Shippuden Episode 172 Reaction


Cobby, 23 Jun 2020 - 6:37am
It's perfectly ok to hate Pain, not like he's the only one with childhood trauma in this show. He was corrupted by power, and was easily manipulated. Fuck him, he's a righteous sanctimonious psycho. That being said, he's story is very interesting, and they do a great job fleshing out his character and his motivations.
But he is one of the very few that wanted a noble goal after that, most of the others became psychos, Gaara became a sadistic murderer, Sasori turned people into puppets, Sasuke is being consumed by revenge, etc

Thats what makes him different, his ideals were set by Yahiko and Jiraiya but corrupted by the several tragic events he suffered making him completely hate war and conflict, and being willing to do anything to put a stop to it
The best answer I have to what Pain has to say: he's not wrong, he's just an asshole.
I think that’s the great thing about this show? How it humanizes the enemy by providing story and lore to the characters. We know the enemy is wrong, that’s a given, and we’re not setting out to say that their actions are justified, or even right, but what we are able to see is a reflection of what can really happen as a result of the traumas of war and pain. And it makes this lesson of enduring much more meaningful.
Naruto would have been nagato if he would have had at his place. Since you have already completed this arc till now i like to say few things. Nagato opened his heart once more after his first pain and thought he could change it but was betrayed again. Imagine if naruto would have had been betrayed after he thought everyone loves him? He would have had turned out to be the same. And that's what makes them human. Nagato was not like. Society forced him to be like this like its shown in the JOKER movie. If the chaos runs for too long someone take birth, someone who can take on the world. And naruto is no different. Hating someone still who has done things to you but neglecting what we have done to them is a human behaviour. But that's what makes the society so fucked up. That would create more pain. And that's the reality now. Pain is by far the most realistic character written. No one should take away the pain he felt and say that he did wrong. Its just mean we are being hypocrite. First we beat them till the break and when they stood up we complain that what you are doing is wrong. Ha.
The past few days the interactive buttons and videos are all over the place and keeps me from being able to watch anything. Is it my flash player?
Get ready for liking nagato/pain more and more as you get more and more backstory ;)
Mikey, 23 Jun 2020 - 3:35am
"you'd feel the same as you do about them, as i feel about naruto" but yet, jiraya would still be one of the best characters, even with those three as the main characters. ;P
doubtful, considering he wouldn't get nearly as much screentime. He was only with them for like 3 years before he dipped.
Lol those two fillers are cuz the animators were dead tired after that amazing job.
Eastie, 23 Jun 2020 - 11:38am
Among all the Pain Hate and spoiler-spoiler comments, this comment deserves a top-comment award
I think the part you’re still misunderstanding is Nagato’s motivation. You keep boiling it down to revenge. (They killed hanzo because he killed the dog/Nagato destroyed the leaf because he felt the leafs war was responsible for his villages destruction)

Nagato is not trying to get revenge. He’s trying to force peace by making everyone hate/fear war as much as he does.

That’s all. Still love the reactions though 👍🏾
Hi Suzy, I just come to see that I'm still a VIP member. I don't understand why. I have delete my credit card on your website and I have cancel my subscription the 18th June. My subscription ended the 17th June for information. I haven't got the possibility to continue the subscription. Moreover when I go on my account, in "orders", we can see next to the 17th June "needs payment". Therefore, I would like to know if I'm considered as a VIP or not. What can I do in addition to that to really stop the subscription ? P.S: I love your reactions.
Mikeyx, 23 Jun 2020 - 3:02am
There's currently a bug right now that some people who bought vip still currently have it from the first time buying it and it hasn't ended yet. Once the fix is live you'll be able to purchase vip normally again don't worry I'm sure it will be soon. :)
wiiztec, 23 Jun 2020 - 9:47pm
Not anymore v_v
The thing that you are missing Suzy, is that you want Pain dead, which makes no sense. That's exactly what Jiraya didn't want, if Naruto killed Pain, he would be even worse. And btw Naruto has never killed someone, it's not so easy to take someones life, it takes something that not many people have. Nevertheless you should understand that killing Nagato/Pain at this point would be the absolute WORST thing, cause that will just breed more hatred and create a cycle of hatred. True justice is forgiving and understanding.
