Explosion! Sage Mode - Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 Reaction


im sorry u have to have these kinds of comments from ppl that WANT u to react a certain way, and do exacly what they think u should.
they dont understand that u are reacting and comenting to the episodes and that u got emotionally attatched to the characters.
i love ur reactions and im binge watching all of them :))
I swear the reaction community is the worst Ive ever seen. Its like 90% of people commenting are little 12 year old demons.
Letyin91, 04 Sep 2020 - 4:51pm
Lol note, if you slightly criticise Suzy's reactions or ask why her episodes are releasing late, you will have your comments DELETED and account deactivated. So butthurt smh
God, all this woman does is scream obvious things at key moments and keep shut watching the whole episode, can this even be considered reaction? Besides, 163 episodes in and she didn't even realize Katsuyu is a the slug summon from Tsunade...
shes REACTING to an episode, if ppl dont comment on the episode they are critisized, if they speak, they are critisized, shes just enjoying the episode so stfu and if u dont life it , LEAVE.
She knows katsuyu is from tsunade but while being exposed to so many new information ppl tend to forget things or mistake things out, remember shes seeing this for the first time.
pratik, 16 Jun 2020 - 7:49pm
You didn't realised that Naruto knew that Kakashi died when he said I see
Sakura wasn't screaming out to Naruto, she was using her summoning Jutsu :P
This is not simple battle... There is so so so so much depth in each ones thought.. beyond imagination right now.. Hope you will overcome this feeling of your of Hating pain and start understanding his actions... Thats the all point of Pain arc 🙁🙁
she loved jiraya and kakashi , all she sees now, is someone claiming to be god and killing everyone as a means to disperce more hatred calling it peace, like naruto shes mad and thats ok
Ffs please stop commenting such BS about overcoming feelings of hatred etc. Let’s murder your family and see how you fucking feel you dumb cunt
Suzy pls don't say like Pain should die or else...It really hurts since he's the best villain. He's GOAT.
ScaR_, 16 Jun 2020 - 9:11am
I think we can compare Pain with Thanos .His cause was kinda not evil .He was like a retribution against a war torn corrupt humanity like a natural calamity(kinda like the corona virus)
Man, SUZY is so close minded. I think she would not understand PAIN after all. All the reason of PAIN, she will not understand at all. SAD.
I think you are right but you never know naruto knows how to make you like a character and she'll probably understand Pain after they give his backstory
she loved jiraya and kakashi , all she sees now, is someone claiming to be god and killing everyone as a means to disperce more hatred calling it peace, like naruto shes mad and thats ok.
just because u love a character doesnt mean she has to
