Confessions - Naruto Shippuden Episode 166 Reaction


Thank you, Suzy. Now I can understand what are you talking about. You are the reason why I can do this. I’m from Russia and my English always being very bad. But your reaction videos help me to grow up! Thank you so much!
Here we go, boys!!! One of the best fights in the series, comin' up! :D :D :D
Gabe97, 20 Jun 2020 - 10:55pm
I love Jiraiya alot. He is one of my favorite characters. But sadly he really didnt go around spreading his beliefs or anything. He wrote ONE book that was inspirational and because it didnt sell alot he moved on to pervy books. So he really didnt do alot and that is what Pain means by those are empty words. Yes Jiraiya tried but not really hard in Pains eyes. And you said right now all this would do is make people rise to try to beat the jinjuriki, exactly. With a common enemy they can unite and take on Pain.
That was not his job to spread his beliefs. Jiraiya was following the prophecy by writing books, and he was thinking of "an answer" as he did so but couldn't find one. You think you can just achieve world peace with a book? Hell no. He decided to focus on prophecy to find the child of prophecy that he was meant to be the guide for. Thanks to Jiraiya, Naruto became a fully realized child of prophecy and achieved world peace.
Dammit! Why did you cutt out the moment when Naruto transform. We really wanted to see you seeing that Part reacted. The very moment and into the first few seconds of naruto transforming into the beast.
Pain is my favourite anime villain, just so badass at everything. The yahiko one that is.
You guys need to take in mind that she is currently playing the dumpster fire of The Last of Us part 2, she usually slows down reactions when playing a game (also that Joel...well you know)
God, all this woman does is scream obvious things at key moments and keep shut watching the whole episode, can this even be considered reaction?
It's a reaction channel, not a watch along. I don't understand how some naruto fans are so hateful. Yall disrespect the show as fans and it's sad.
Bruh you took all the effort to find her personal website and make an account just to complain? Bugger off, Pain isnt holding you here against your will.
Honest question. Did the show get to hard to watch that you quit?
From looking at her twitter, she apparently has watched just hasn't made it to the website yet.
