The Two Students - Naruto Shippuden Episode 169 Reaction


I can somewhat relate but honestly my thoughts on pain at this point were just numb sadness and stuff lol
Letyin91, 04 Sep 2020 - 4:51pm
Lol note, if you slightly criticise Suzy's reactions or ask why her episodes are releasing late, you will have your comments DELETED and account deactivated. So butthurt smh
Buddy here f*cked around and found out... now he's spamming this comment on all of Suzy's uploads in an act of impotent rage.

LOL... who's the butthurt one here?
Kill Sakura or something
random, 16 Aug 2020 - 5:45pm
Why are all these people here mad at Suzy just because she wants Pain dead, it's her opinion, and come on, the show until this episode wants the viewer to hate Pain. And the worst thing about people trying to change Suzy's opinion is that we can predict how she will think about the character, because in her mind it would be: "People want me to like this character, let's see why, let's try to like it", and this can makes her reaction biased.
What show were you watching? The episode with Pains speech was the episode where rhe show breaks the 4th wall and calls out the viewer for hating pain. People are mad at her for completely disregarding the entire point and message of the show. Vengeance only creates more vengeance. Her wanting pain dead is the literal antithesis of the show.
I love how you are just blinded by rage, you are exactly what Jiraya tried to fight against. Just proving Pains point more and more everytime you tell Naruto to kill him
She's pissed because Nagato's hatred was used by Madara. Pain was wrong, deal with it
Ghost, 23 Jun 2020 - 5:48pm
If anything this entire arch just shows how immature Suzy is
Fact to love about Naruto is that each and every villain of the naruto verse was once a hero and they have their own reasons to hate the world.They don't have bullshit reasons like fun,game or anything to start any war.They all have their own significant reasons to start war.
Naruto: "Are you the real Pain?"
Suzy: "Does anyone else have rods sticking out of their back?"
Me: "Well, I hate to say it, but Jiraiya might... "
I can tell Suzy trying a little extra to hate him
Nami, 23 Jun 2020 - 9:25am
You say you dont agree with Pain but then scream at Naruto to kill Nagato which would be considered killing out of revenge, which is what Pain did and also isnt right. You missing then big picture here that Pain already explained.
Naruto's just wanted to protect his people. Nagato's a bitch who turned evil because his best friend died and chose to murder all naruto's loved ones and many more.
benjy, 23 Jun 2020 - 9:01am
No lol konan isn’t even close to pains strength Koran is maybe mid or high kage tier whereas pain is just godly.
Suzy understands nothing about pain.....she is just dumb f***ing bratπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
If you agree with pain then you probably agree with Obito too. pussy
So she really got super defensive when Pain called Jiraiya's ideas on peace outdated, but also spent the entire reaction advocating for Pain's death at Naruto's hands?

At this point, I'm not sure if she's trolling, or legit doesn't get how those feelings not only go against what Jiraiya wanted, but also play right into the cycle of hatred Pain's been talking about for like 10+ episodes now...

Next Episode

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