Meeting - Naruto Shippuden Episode 172 Reaction


Martin, 09 Jul 2020 - 11:06am
Thanks for looking at the fillers offline and continuing to provide us with content!
You are wrong about one thing. His goal was never revenge on the leaf. For him leaf's actions in the war were just a stimulus for him. He wants to end war for every nation.
He still took revenge on the leaf though, so she's not wrong
Nami, 26 Jun 2020 - 5:07pm
Naruto isn't the only person in the world that could beat Pain, he's the only one in the village that could.
ye since the beginning Naruto was always about perspective, nobody is just simply evil, there are always two sides to the story, and it is exactly like that if we would have been following Nagato from the start and he was our protagonist we would feel very differently about all this :) those 2 eps prior were there because we have just had that part with Naruto and the 4th Hokage so they put that there cause its relevant to him and Naruto :)
Fidel, 24 Jun 2020 - 5:06pm
He didn't defeat pain, nine tails helped him
He did defeat pain. And no, he did it without the nine tails. Please rewatch
would it not kinda make naruto bad if he killed pain just because he come face to face with him iys not like pain can actually do anything at this stage so killing him would achieve nothing it would not bring back everyone that he killed its kinda bad mindset to have in real life to to feel like everyone who done bad must die instead of just locking them up
Suzy, before video starts: "I mean, I feel bad for him, I do, but..."
Me: "No, not yet, you don't. Not really. But keep watching."
Stingy Fisherman: Go on, scram!
Lil Konan: Stingy bastard!
Fisherman, have some empathy. Konan, watch your language.
kocie, 23 Jun 2020 - 10:53pm
Every time you want Nagato's death, you drive an eternal hate spiral that Nagato wants to break and you become another Pain :P
Trev, 23 Jun 2020 - 10:43pm
To answer the question of Yahiko keep watching the series for the answer 😁
JFT94, 23 Jun 2020 - 10:41pm
For anyone whos playing Last of us 2 right now the story feels very similar to this arc..
The following are one of the most painful episodes for me
I remember when I watched this for the first time and was so conflicted about whether or not Naruto should kill Nagato. I started questioning that when Pain gave his speech about the cycle of hatred and also when Jiraiya thought there was too much hate in the shinobi world. Even if we kill Nagato then pain wins and the cycle of hatred will continue and Naruto will be going against Jiraiya's teachings and ideology of peace.

God, I love this arc so much. This is my fav arc in Shippuden because it gets you thinking about how Pain represents the real world.
No suzy pain destroyed the hidden leaf not because he wanted revenge, he destroyed it because he wanted to make them feel the same pain he has . I know "but isn't that the same as revenge?" No. Even if the hidden leaf shinobis hadn't killed his parents, from what I understand, he would have still obliterated the leaf. His analogy is not one that of revenge but that of 'precautions are better than the cure'. To put it simply, suppose there is cactus and there is a child, and the child doesn't know anything about the cactus, so the child touches the cactus and he gets pricked he will remember the pain and he will possibly never touch the plant again, which is good for his own self. Similarly those who know the horrors of war will never resort to war and that's why he wants the world to know pain so that no one resorts to war. This is what pain meant by "those who not know what pain is can never understand true peace".
There is no problem with the way you feel about Pain. That's exactly his message. Even if you feel, that his methods are wrong, even if you think Jiraya and Naruto's ideals are right, then if you would be put in the situation, that Pain put Naruto in, even such person as Naruto would want "justice", even he would resort to violence. And as Pain said, this "justice" is nothing else but hypocrisy. Just an urge of vengence under the cover of "justice". And since people feel this way(because of their nature), they WILL resort to more violence and thus peace will never be achieved. Even if you understand where Pain is comming from, you still want him to be dead, because he killed your favorite characters. The latest great example of that is Last of Us 2. I understood Ebby's motives, I knew that Joel have done a lot of terrible things, but I didn't care about both of these things, because I love Joel as a character, and so I wanted Ebby to be dead. And yeah, I hate Naughty Dogs, fuck them and Niel Druckmann. That's why Pain took the path he is going right now. You can't force people love each other.
RJ, 23 Jun 2020 - 9:07pm
really lighthearted two filler episodes. Gai-Sensei is hilarious.
nice to have 2 lighthearted fillers after so much Painful moments on the main arc.
that was cool to see Sasuke using Chidori that way.
episode 172 is pretty good. nice to hear your thoughts on Nagato's backstory.
in my opnion Nagato's bacstory is one of the saddest ones.
such a well written character he is. Pain have such a well written story.
awesome to hear your thoughts on this arc so far
