Creeping Shadow - Naruto Shippuden Episode 347 Reaction


You feeling nothing for Danzo is completely valid. When he died and you saw the flashbacks of him, you were merely meant to understand why he did what he did, but sympathy is not a pre-requisite for understanding. A majority of people would say that even though Danzo cared for the leaf village, most of the time he just went way too far in his actions to protect the leaf. So don't worry, Suzy, no one is gonna blame you for that.
Marx, 09 Nov 2020 - 8:43am
Thank-you for this reactions, please don't listen to those whom not agree, keep rolling that ball as you doing.
Marx, 09 Nov 2020 - 8:43am
Thank-you for this reactions, please don't listen to those whom not agree, keep rolling that ball as you doing.
Marx, 09 Nov 2020 - 8:43am
Thank-you for this reactions, please don't listen to those whom not agree, keep rolling that ball as you doing.
Marx, 09 Nov 2020 - 8:43am
Thank-you for this reactions, please don't listen to those whom not agree, keep rolling that ball as you doing.
Marx, 09 Nov 2020 - 8:42am
Thank-you for this reactions, please don't listen to those whom not agree, keep rolling that ball as you doing.
Stick, 06 Nov 2020 - 2:36pm
346 is a half filler, 347-361 are fillers
"i'm hope they are grateful for the lessons Jirayah taught them". You mean before or after they killed him? lol
Is it just me or are the latest videos not showing up on the front page?
You still have like 350 episodes to cover. and 30-40% of that is garbage filler. Like think back to OG naruto filler where they were chasing cats. It's that level of bad
Its actually worse considering the placement of which these fillers take place. At least in OG naruto, the fillers did not hinder the main canon because they were placed after it.
Well it was that or not have any naruto episodes for a year. The Anime caught up to the manga too quickly.
shes only doing this kakashi filler arc not the other fillers
In the philippines we start christmas season at september so for me it's ok to decorate early 😊
Can’t wait to see her do kakashi arc. :D please do it!
jun, 05 Nov 2020 - 9:44am
This episode felt like a recap plus one new unimportant tidbit.
@Jun Mate what? with out this ep you would never know that Danzo manipulated Hanzo like come on man do you even know anything about the Naruto lore lmao.
